
Showing posts from November, 2023

Azhaghar Sundarararaja in Sivalapperi

Sage Agathiya blessed Azhaghar Sundarararaja in Sivalapperi, Tirunelveli district, to tamiraparani, a perennial river of life from the Western Ghats. Many towns are enriched by the Tamiraparani River, which receives rain three times a month. Located on the banks of this river, Sivalapperi Alaghar Sundararaja has a special feature. That is, every year on the last Sunday of the month of Tai, a special pooja is held for Lord Vinayaka in this temple to bring rain. After completing this puja, one should measure the steps to the Alagara here. In front of the Alaghar temple flag tree, Perumal should measure the produce of that year according to his convenience. It is believed that if they do so, with the grace of Ganesha and the grace of Alagara, Alagara will provide them with the food they need throughout the coming year. There are many people who have felt the beauty of stepping stones. This also applies to beautiful guardian deities and retinue deities. Every morning a priest would bring t

Different types of Snanam

There are different types of snAnam. Let us see important snAnam one by one. a. vAruNa snAnam – This is dip bathing. One need to take a dip of his whole body inside water including his head. b. pArthiva snAnam – Applying pure sand all over the body and asking mother Earth to remove all my sins through manthram starting with “mruththikE hana mE pApam”. c. AgnEya snAnam – Applying ashes from agnihOthra kuNdam over body. d. vAyavEya snAnam – reciting gOSAvitrI mantra and applying cow’s hoof dust on body to purify us. e. dhivya snAnam or AkASa snAnam – Getting wet in rain with sun shine (rain with sun not covered in clouds). f. manthra snAnam – Other than snAnam with five elements (panchabhUtha snAnam ), saying “ApOhistA” manthra and doing prOkshaNam on head, chest and legs. g. mAnaSa snAnam – By dwelling in thoughts of SrIman nArAyaNan’s SrIpAdha thIrtham, that is, river gangA which removes all our impurities from inside. h. panchAnga snAnam – Washing two legs, two hands and face. i. kApi

Nitya Karmas

  1.1. ahas ahas means daytime, in general. But, also means Sunrise to next day Sunrise. Now let us see the activities which need to be performed during ahas one by one. 1.2. brahma muhUrtham One need to wake up during brahma muhUrtham. brahma muhUrtham is the last portion of fourth yAmam of the night. That is, 1.5 hrs before Sunrise. One needs to wake up during this time and think of Sri vishNu bhagavAn in mind. 1.3. bahirvihAra: This is the process of cleansing our body by removing the waste accumulated. This needs to be done in the south side direction outside the house. Distance of the place to do this activity should be an arrow throw distance from house. brAhmaNan should put his sacred thread as mAlA and put around his right ear and should do this activity in a clean place. Next soucham, that is cleaning by water and sand post this activity. 1.4. gaNdUsham Next is gargling with water. As devathAs always reside in the right side of a brAhmaNan, he needs to gargle and