Different types of Snanam

There are different types of snAnam. Let us see important snAnam one by one.

a. vAruNa snAnam – This is dip bathing. One need to take a dip of his whole body inside water including his head.

b. pArthiva snAnam – Applying pure sand all over the body and asking mother Earth to remove all my sins through manthram starting with “mruththikE hana mE pApam”.

c. AgnEya snAnam – Applying ashes from agnihOthra kuNdam over body.

d. vAyavEya snAnam – reciting gOSAvitrI mantra and applying cow’s hoof dust on body to purify us.

e. dhivya snAnam or AkASa snAnam – Getting wet in rain with sun shine (rain with sun not covered in clouds).

f. manthra snAnam – Other than snAnam with five elements (panchabhUtha snAnam ), saying “ApOhistA” manthra and doing prOkshaNam on head, chest and legs.

g. mAnaSa snAnam – By dwelling in thoughts of SrIman nArAyaNan’s SrIpAdha thIrtham, that is, river gangA which removes all our impurities from inside.

h. panchAnga snAnam – Washing two legs, two hands and face.

i. kApila snAnam – Wiping entire body with a wet cloth.

j. Urdhva puNdra dhAraNam snAnam – Applying Urdhva puNdra dhAraNam and reciting praNavam.

While taking bath, one need to think of SrIman nArAyaNan.

“ApO nArA iti prOkthAs thA yadhaSyAyanam puna: |

thasmAn nArAyNam dhEvam snAnakAlE smarEdh pudha: ||”

As mentioned by vEdha vyAsar, a yOgi needs to think of SrIman nArAyaNan while doing snAnam as SrIman nArAyaNan resides in water/ jalam. Water is called as nAram as SrIman nArAyaNan resides in it.

“dhyAyEn nArAyaNam dhEvam snAnAdhishO cha karmashO |

prAyaschiththEshO SarvEshO muchyathE dushkruthAth pumAn ||”

As mentioned by Saunakar, one who meditates on SrIman nArAyaNan while
doing karmas like snAnam & atonement gets rid of all his sins.
